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Is Vemma like XanGo?

What is the difference between Vemma and XanGo? Although this is a very common question, the answer is quite simple! No! Vemma is not just juice; XanGo is! Vemma is a Complete Nutritional Supplement! XanGo is JUST juice! We are not saying that XanGo is not a good product by any means; we are saying that Vemma is Complete, all your Vitamins, Essential Minerals Antioxidants (mangosteen) Aloe Vera and Green Tea. By taking Vemma you do not need to take additional Vitamin and Mineral Supplements. Those that take XanGo need to take Vitamins and Minerals alongside their XanGo juice! At what cost? Vemma is a 3 products in 1! Vitamin, Minerals and Antioxidants! In just one of these categories - (Antioxidants) comparing XanGo and Vemma you would need to consume 14 large bottles of XanGo to equal the same value as 1 bottle of Vemma! That's close to $300 of XanGo to equal $60 worth of Vemma. Complete vs. Juice! View the studies below for detailed information on XanGo vs. Vemma!


是什麼區別 Vemma和XanGo的?雖然這是一個非常普遍的問題,答案很簡單!否! Vemma不僅僅是汁; XanGo是! Vemma是一個完整的營養補充! XanGo是果汁!我們不是說 XanGo不是一個好產品,任何意思,我們說 Vemma完成後,所有的維生素,礦物質抗氧化劑(山竹)蘆薈和綠茶。通過採取 Vemma不需要採取額外的維生素和礦物質補充劑。那些採取的XanGo需要採取的同時維生素和礦物質的XanGo果汁!在什麼樣的代價? Vemma是3種產品在1!維生素,礦物質和抗氧化劑!僅在其中一個類別 - (抗氧化劑)比較XanGo和Vemma則需要消耗14大瓶的XanGo平等的同樣價值 1瓶Vemma!這是近300美元平等的XanGo 60美元的價值 Vemma。完成與果汁!查看下面的詳細研究資料的XanGo與 Vemma!



文章出處: http://www.vdrinks.com/vemma-system/Xango.php




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