Blogger 開放自訂文章網址的新功能了!這個功能其實在未開放前, 必須自行從文章標題去改造,才能產生一個與文章內容有關的網址. 如今, 這個功能已開放在 blogger 介面. 

When you write a post, Blogger automatically generates a permalink based on the title of the post. Until now, blog authors have had no control of the permalink. Custom permalinks give you more control of your blog and posts. These new custom links also provide readers with more information about your post when scanning search results.

Blogger Help: Custom permalinks 

Blogger BUzz: Customize your posts with permalinks

在 blogger 文章編寫的頁面, 右側文章設定裡, 有一個永久連結的功能. 點開後, 預設是 自動產生網址, 如果文章標題沒有出現數字或英文字, 則 blogger 會給一個預設的文章網址.


如今開放自訂文章網址後, 文章標題就不用再考慮網址的命名了.

網址內容, 若在兩個以上的單字之間出現空白, 會有錯誤訊息.
At present, the characters allowed in a custom URL are limited to: a-z, A-Z, 0-1. The only special characters available are underscore, dash, and period.


或是用 底線, dash 符號, 或句號區隔. 



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