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VeMMA維瑪 2011年 NBA鳳凰城太陽隊啦啦隊Verve桌曆 拍攝現場[影片共賞]

由NBA鳳凰城太陽隊官方指定飲料 Verve 維瑪公司主辦拍攝

 太陽隊全部的啦啦隊女郎泳裝桌曆 開始在US Airways Center Team Shop熱賣

Making of the Phoenix Suns Dancers Verve Calendar

Hot off the set, see the exclusive making of the 2011-12 Suns Dancers swimsuit calendar video shoot. Presented by Verve, the Official Energy Drink of the Phoenix Suns, the 18-month swimsuit calendar features the entire Suns Dancers team and is on sale now in the US Airways Center Team Shop. All proceeds will benefit Phoenix Suns Charitie



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